Reigniting The Passion to Lead

Client Journey Reigniting The Passion to Lead

"The only way to do great work is to love what you do." - Steve Jobs

As we progress in our careers, many of us don’t stop to re-evaluate our goals. Thomas is an example - he is a seasoned tech professional in his late 40s, had a remarkable track record of successfully leading teams for over a decade.


  • In recent years, his enthusiasm and motivation began to wane especially since the COVID 19 pandemic

  • What was once a source of passion and fulfillment had turned into a monotonous routine. 

  • He found it increasingly difficult to connect with his team, innovate, and drive results.

  • He recognized the need for change but was unsure of how to reignite his leadership spark.

Coaching Approach 

In our coaching, we focused on these areas:

  • Rediscovering Purpose: Delving into Thomas's journey, we explored his initial motivations for technology and leadership. By revisiting his core values and aspirations, he gained clarity on what had fueled his passion and drive in the past.

  • Team Connections: Knowing team success hinges on strong bonds, we honed Thomas's interpersonal skills to rebuild camaraderie and trust among his team members.

  • Wellbeing & Balance: To address Thomas's burnout, we developed strategies for work-life equilibrium, boundary-setting, and rejuvenating hobbies that fueled his renewed leadership energy.

The Impact

Through our coaching journey, Thomas experienced the following results:

  • Ignited his motivation and rediscovered his passion for fueling impactful leadership in technology

  • Increased his team’s engagement and productivity 

  • Enhanced commitment to self-care boosted his mood, energy, and set a healthier work culture example.

  • Thomas' enthusiasm also spread to his team, infusing them with renewed purpose and motivation.

Thomas's journey from a disheartened leader to a passionate and motivated one showcases the power of self-reflection, adaptability, and holistic well-being in leadership transformation. By rediscovering his purpose, embracing change, nurturing relationships, and prioritizing his own health, Thomas not only revitalized his own career but also became an inspiration for others facing similar challenges. 

If you’ve been trying to reignite your spark, my SUCCESS360 program could be the nudge you’ve been looking for.

Book a discovery call
and let’s discuss the steps you can take to get you back on track

Simon Middleton

Simon Middleton is an ICF-certified leadership and life coach, corporate trainer, and facilitator with over 20 years of experience in the corporate world. Simon has worked in global MNCs, leading global teams and coaching leaders. As a coach, Simon deeply understands the challenges that come with seeking growth and happiness. He knows that it's not just about acquiring new skills or enhancing existing ones but also about acknowledging and managing the fears and emotions that may be holding you back. Simon takes a creative and inspiring approach to coaching, making the journey towards your fullest potential fun and engaging. Together, you and Simon will discover your unique strengths, tap into your passions, and create a clear roadmap to help you navigate your personal and professional lives with purpose and intention.

Reigniting Your Leadership Passion: A Path to Rediscovering Purpose


The truth hurts: You crave for more yet settle for less